Mutual Savings Credit Union
Social Media Disclaimer
Mutual Savings Credit Union maintains a presence on certain social media outlets, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Mutual Savings Credit Union participates on these social media sites as a way to interact with their membership and to discuss topics that are related to Mutual Savings Credit Unions products, services, and members. Mutual Savings Credit Union strives to maintain compliance with the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Counsel’s Guidelines on social media.
Members should understand that there may be official postings by Mutual Savings Credit Union to its social media accounts. There is also the possibility that there could be postings on Mutual Savings Credit Union’s official social media page that may not be made by Mutual Savings Credit Union’s employees. Those non-authorized posts are not representative of the opinions of Mutual Savings Credit Union, its membership or employees. Mutual Savings Credit Union cannot confirm the accuracy of any content that might be posted by other users/posters. Mutual Savings Credit Union discourages anyone from clicking on links that are posted by non-authorized and/or non-Mutual Savings Credit Union posters as these links may pose a risk to your computer, involve malware, or take you to otherwise inappropriate sites.
Mutual Savings Credit Union would advise any member to refrain from posting personal information and/or account information in either a social media post or a private message. Mutual Savings Credit Union will never ask for your account number(s), account information, Social Security Number, password(s), or pin number(s) via social media outlets or emails. All Mutual Savings Credit Union posts will be identified with Mutual Savings Credit Union’s authorized logo. If information sharing is necessary, we would direct you to complete an online form, utilize the Chat feature, or contact Mutual Savings Credit Union’s Member Service Representative line at 800-950-6728.
Mutual Savings Credit Union is not affiliated with or responsible for the security, privacy, or other operations of any social media outlet. We do not compensate individuals who post on Mutual Savings Credit Union’s official social media pages and we reserve the right to remove any posting that is not affiliated with Mutual Savings Credit Union. The following postings are prohibited and will be immediately removed:
- Any posting that is abusive, defamatory, or obscene.
- Any posting that is fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading.
- Any posting that is discriminatory, whether based upon religion, race, national origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Any posting that is in violation of any law or regulation.
- Any posting that promotes or advertises a business service or entity unrelated to Mutual Savings Credit Union.
- Any posting that violates any intellectual property rights of another person.
- Any posting that is otherwise deemed inappropriate by Mutual Savings Credit Unions staff.
Please refer to the direct social media site regarding any privacy or security policies which they may have in place. Any questions or concerns with regard to social media postings should be directed to Mutual Savings Credit Union directly at 800-950-6728.