Personal loans made more personal.
Unsecured Loans
Single Payment Loans
Single Payment loans are great if you know the exact amount of your expense. This loan features up to a 3-month repayment term.
Personal Line of Credit
Personal lines of credit means having an amount of money set aside that you can access. This amount of money can be used to pay bills, buy gifts or to use for other projects. The payment is always 3% of the outstanding balance and has a draw period of 24-months.
Closed End Loan
Closed end loans are commonly used for larger expenses. Because of this, longer repayment terms make it easier on your budget. This type of loan features up to a 60-month repayment term.

Secured Loans
Deposit Secured Loans
Your personal loan’s interest rate could be reduced when you use your Mutual Savings Credit Union share account or share certificate as collateral.
The repayment terms for your loan secured by your share or share certificate can be extended up to 60-months.
Mutual Savings Credit Union also offers a single payment secured loan that features a 12-month repayment term.
Personal loans made more personal.

Unsecured Loans
Single Payment Loans
Single Payment loans are great if you know the exact amount of your expense. This loan features up to a 3-month repayment term.
Personal Line of Credit
Personal lines of credit means having an amount of money set aside that you can access. This amount of money can be used to pay bills, buy gifts or to use for other projects. The payment is always 3% of the outstanding balance and has a draw period of 24-months.
Closed End Loan
Closed end loans are commonly used for larger expenses. Because of this, longer repayment terms make it easier on your budget. This type of loan features up to a 60-month repayment term.

Secured Loans
Deposit Secured Loans
Your personal loan’s interest rate could be reduced when you use your Mutual Savings Credit Union share account or share certificate as collateral.
The repayment terms for your loan secured by your share or share certificate can be extended up to 60-months.
Mutual Savings Credit Union also offers a single payment secured loan that features a 12-month repayment term.